Thursday, September 14, 2006

Monday, September 11, 2006

Jessie and I went cruising around the rural part of our suburb today...looking for wild rabbits to watch...we found them at a farmhouse high up on the also had some really great places for portraits...
Oh how I loveeee my new lens....razor sharp with great bokeh!!!

These beautiful kidlets are getting a little tired of seeing it out and pointed at them...I just can't put it away at the moment.

Jessie's first day as a four year old.

Here she is using her brand new lip gloss and wearing new denim pini.

Then having her requested birthday breakfast of "Sugar Fruit Loops".

Jonathon told me "I've been waiting for this day for so long!!!"...he's been waiting for about 2 weeks and has a new calendar on his wall crossing off each day and marking his and Jessie's birthdays on it....

Jonathon chose a cute cheap plastic jewellery set for Jessie complete with clip on earrings...she lovessss it.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Jessie's very last day as a 3 year old..when I asked her why she drew on her nails with permanent marker she told me "Well I have no nail polish and I wanted them to be beautiful".... Jessie told everyone from the Aust Postlady parcel delivery lady to the man at the Fish Shop that her birthday is tommorrow and she'll be 4....she has told me she will be too big tommorrow for her baby car seat.......